Attorney Spotlight: Daniel J. Halperin

What inspired you to pursue a law career? 

My inspiration to pursue a legal career stemmed from a speech and debate class I took in high school. I really enjoyed the class and did very well. After that, I spoke with several lawyers about the profession and interned at a law firm during college. By the end of my sophomore year, I decided to attend law school.

Why did you choose the areas of law that you practice?

My passion for insolvency work stems from a bankruptcy course taught by Patricia Redmond at the University of Miami School of Law. After that class, I knew that bankruptcy was for me and really focused on that area of the law for the remainder of law school (or at least as much I could). I authored several articles focused on insolvency issues and competed in a bankruptcy moot court competition. I also interned at a private equity firm to work with its portfolio of distressed mezzanine loans and worked on bankruptcy matters as a summer associate.

You received an MBA concentrated in Mergers and Acquisitions as well as International Business; what skills do you draw upon from that experience when representing your clients?

Financial literacy. Insolvency work intersects with different aspects of finance and accounting on a daily basis. This intersection requires lawyers to have a comprehensive understanding of accounting, valuation, financial, concepts to perform their own analysis or effectively communicate with other professionals in case. The MBA complimented my undergraduate studies in finance and provided a solid foundation in these areas.

What is the most rewarding part about your job?

Helping clients achieve their goals. Nothing beats it.

Tell us about a mentor who made an impact on your career.

Patricia Redmond. She teaches bankruptcy at the University of Miami School of Law and coaches the bankruptcy moot court team. She sparked my interest in insolvency work, and I credit her with helping me develop the tools needed to be an effective advocate for clients.

If you weren’t practicing law, what would you be doing?

I would likely work in a finance-related role. My undergraduate studies focused on corporate finance, and I have always enjoyed the financial aspects of insolvency work.

What might people be surprised to learn about you?

I had a (very) short-lived college football career.

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