Martha Araujo Hager
Martha Araujo Hager, an attorney at Sequor Law, is licensed to practice in Florida, New York and in Brazil (including before the Brazilian Supreme Court). She brings 30 years of experience, including fraud and corruption: (a) for a decade in Brazil, as a civil and criminal state prosecutor; (b) at the United Nations; (c) at the World Bank Group; and (d) at the International Monetary Fund.
As an attorney in the U.S., Martha has experience in international commercial litigation cases, as well as advising individual and corporate clients in parallel US and Brazilian investigations and judicial proceedings.
Practice of Law in Brazil: Martha practiced law in Sao Paulo, Brazil, for the Sao Paulo State Attorney’s Office (Ministerio Publico de Sao Paulo) for 10 years. As a Brazilian attorney, Martha handled approximately 30 cases in Brazil in jury trials and thousands of cases to verdict via the Brazilian procedure of submission of the case on briefing. Notably, Martha investigated and successfully prosecuted public officials for fraud and corruption.
International Practice: Martha has a proven track record of practice in the areas of international law and internal fraud and corruption investigations for some of the world largest international organizations: the United Nations, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
United Nations/Timor-Leste: Martha worked under the UN Security Council mandate in the country of Timor-Leste in 2005, as an International Prosecutor and Trainer of the first group of Timorese Judges and Prosecutors following the creation of the independent country of East Timor. Her experience as a UN International Prosecutor included a variety of cases from investigatory phase to trials and appeals.
United Nations/New York/Africa/ Caribbean/Middle East/Latin America/Asia: Martha’s responsibilities as an Investigator with the UN (from 2007 to 2012) consisted of leading international internal investigations of serious fraud in contracts with vendors, corruption of national government officials, sexual harassment, and sexual exploitation and abuse of children in UN peacekeeping missions. Martha investigated and pursued disciplinary actions against UN officials in several countries in Latin America, Africa, Europe and Asia. In addition, Martha assisted foreign peacekeeping contingent troops to conduct investigations of military misconduct in the pursuit of court-martial proceedings by appropriate national authorities.
For the United Nations, Martha co-authored protocols of best practices in investigations, investigative techniques and collaborated with the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services Investigations Manual, which covered the complex logistics of investigations in various jurisdictions.
Martha also co-authored the design, development and delivery of the first UN Sexual Harassment Investigations Training Program throughout the UN across the globe, which included best practices in developing protocols and standard operating procedures of investigations of sexual harassment in the context of international organizations investigative procedures and methodology (including interviewing techniques). The program became a standard protocol throughout the UN offices and agencies.
World Bank Group: Martha worked for the World Bank Group (International Bank for Reconstruction and International Development Association) at the Integrity Vice Presidency and the Ethics and Business Office. She advised senior managers of the organization and conducted international investigations into fraud and corruption in developing countries, as to billion-dollar public contracts funded by the organization. She also worked on whistleblower cases, retaliation and other corporate financial misconduct on behalf of the World Bank Group, on cases in Latin America, Africa, South Asia and in the US.
International Monetary Fund: Martha worked as a consultant for the International Monetary Fund (the IMF) where she conducted international and internal investigations into allegations of staff misconduct such as fraud, corruption, conflict of interest, harassment in the workplace, in various offices of the organization across the world.
Favorite Quote:
“A vida é como um quebra-cabeça. O importante não é ter todas as peças, é colocá-las no lugar certo.” – Jô Soares
“Life is like a puzzle. The important thing is not having all the pieces, but placing them in the right place.” – Jô Soares
- English (fluent)
- Brazilian Portuguese (native)
- Spanish (conversational)
- French (conversational)
Martha Araujo Hager
- The University of Miami School of Law, J.D. (2022) & L.M.M. Master of Laws in Transnational Law (2022)
- Recipient of the Francisco V. Garcia-Amador Scholarship
- Southern Methodist University School of Law, L.L.M Master of Laws in Comparative and International Law (2005)
- Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Bachelor of Laws (1992)
- Florida (2023)
- United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida (2023)
- New York (2014)
- Brazil (1992)
- United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Florida
- Court of Appeals, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Tarrant County District Attorney’s Office, Fort Worth, Texas
Martha Araujo Hager
Honors / Achievements
- Dean’s Certificate of Achievement Award in Legal Research Techniques, University of Miami School of Law (2021).
- Recognized by the Kingdom of Morocco for services provided to the United Nations in Cote D’Ivoire (2012).
- Advised United Nations officials in the establishment of the first national Attorney General’s Office in Timor-Leste and trained the first group of Timorese judges and prosecutors (2005).
Martha Araujo Hager
Published Decisions
- On behalf of a large international organization, successfully investigated fraud and corruption in connection with the reconstruction of the single hospital available to women and girls, in a country at war. As a result of recommendations made in a final report of investigations, the organization was able to (a) major multi-million dollar contracts with individuals and entities responsible for the fraud and corruption; (b) block their participation in future contracts with the organization and (b) implement best practices in public procurement to prevent fraud in the future.
- Investigated money laundering and fraud perpetrated by a senior official of an international organization with ramifications throughout Latin America and the organization’s office in two European countries. The investigation led to the enhancement of corporate governance and compliance related to the financial regulatory framework of the organization and corporate partners, in addition to the recovery of funds and assets of the organization.
- Successfully led a complex investigation in preparation for sanctions proceedings and debarment by an international financial organization, in a high-profile case of fraud and corruption in a billion-dollar project in Latin America (formacao de carteis e fraude em licitacoes). The fraud involved cartels of European and Asian suppliers of trains and Brazilian construction corporations. The cartel controlled government bidding contracts for the expansion of the Brazilian railroad system, for approximately 20 years and millions of dollars in kickbacks paid to Brazilian government officials. Martha assisted and advised the financial organization in connection with the fraud scheme and violations of loan agreements. She also worked collaboratively with Brazilian and European prosecutors in parallel criminal proceedings.
- In Brazil, Martha successfully tried a high-profile environmental case in connection with soil contamination by methane gas and other 50 poisonous types of gas. The case, known as “Caso do Condominio Barao de Maua,” involved a condominium complex in a densely populated urban area, with 11 high-rise residential towers, residence of hundreds of families. Martha coordinated technical and medical teams of experts to evaluate the land contamination and how it affected the health of residents. The technical evaluation proved that the construction of the entire condominium of residential towers should not have been authorized by local authorities because the entire property acreage had served as industrial waste landfill for the largest Brazilian car batteries manufacturer.